Configuring LLDP on Cisco Catalyst switches for using with Avaya 46XX IP Phones

Another white paper I found in my archive. I don’t know why all these useful documents are disappearing from Avaya website but somehow they do. This one I had saved in my email folder as file rather than link so here it is. Cisco LLDP with 46XX IP Phones

IP Endpoint Time To Service White Paper

Another useful document describes Time To Service feature implemented in CM 4.0+. With recent Avaya website overhaul it became practically impossible to find anything there, unless you’re a Certified Google Search Guru which I’m not. So better I’ll have it here where SEO works for me not against. Time To Service White Paper

Avaya IP Phones PoE data

Avaya Phone Power Class Max Allocated (Watts) 4601 2 7.0 4602+ 2 7.0 4610SW 2 7.0 4621SW 2 7.0 4622SW 2 7.0 4625SW 3 15.4 9610 2 7.0 9620 2 7.0 9630 2 7.0 9630G 2 7.0 9640 with SBM24 2 7.0 9650 2 7.0 1603 with PoE Adapter 2 7.0 1608 2 7.0 1616 […]